Publié le novembre 08 2020

It's been approximately 24 hours since my fingers have had a proper rest from refreshing my internet browser every five minutes since November 3rd aka U.S election night anticipating someone, anyone reaching 270 electoral votes. With COVID-19, Lock-downs, Face masks, and a U.S Election like never seen before in many of our lifetime, now I'm really understanding why cannabis is considered an essential item while we navigate our way out of this unfamiliar terrain. 2020 quite frankly has been a MuthaF*cka (in my Samuel Jackson's voice), although we still have approximately a month to go before 2021, the question is will 2020 and 2021 'duke it out' for the win like President Trump and President-Elect Biden?
The U.S made history this election with Senator Kamala Harris (D) California, now Vice-President Elect becoming the first of many first: Woman, Black, South Asian, HBCU Graduate to win the Vice-Presidency. Although this is awesomely fantastic news, there's even more good news! Looks like 2021 is starting to erode 2020's negative lead for a positive win. It's not only time for our nations to heal but for humans to begin healing themselves naturally without fear of persecution and/or prosecution.
Five states went green in this 2020 election.
On November 3rd, New Jersey became the 12th state to legalize recreational cannabis in the United States, and Montana and Arizona soon followed suit. Voters approved a robust medical cannabis program in Mississippi, and history was made in South Dakota when medical marijuana and recreational cannabis became legal on the same night. In every state where medical or recreational cannabis was on the ballot, it was approved.
The election brought the total number of states to legalize recreational marijuana in the U.S. from 11 to 15, and the total to legalize medical marijuana from 33 to 35.
We gladly document this 2020’s green wave with our new Limited Edition commemorative t-shirts for each state. CaribCreed's cannabis legalization commemorative t-shirts are the first and only premium alternative t-shirt to the standard ‘marijuana leaf’ tee that anyone can really wear, whether they enjoy cannabis (Leafy Genius T-shirt) or just support cannabis legalization and/or activism (Genius Classic T-shirt). Our tagged t-shirts commemorate and celebrate the hard work of cannabis advocates in states and countries where cannabis is now legal. All of our t-shirts are individually put together by hand and shipped worldwide. Organically grown in both Male/Unisex and Women's cut. We are the Positive Class, and we just love the smell of FREEDOM! Join The Revolution, it's time to flip the switch from surviving to winning. Generation Us, we will change the world for the GOOD! #LiveInspired
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